Key personnel

Dr. Ferenc Darvas

President, Chairman of the Board

Serial innovator and entrepreneur with technical background and decade long business experience. Founded several companies in life sciences research and development, among others NanGenex, a leading company specialized to optimizing drug and agrochemical compounds by nanotechnology in 2006. Dr. Darvas pioneered in adapting microfluidics and flow technologies for producing nanoparticles in early 2000’s.

Dr. Darvas received his first degree in organic chemistry, another in computer science, and his PhD. in the use of artificial intelligence in drug design. Dr. Darvas’s third degree is in patent law. He was teaching at several universities in Budapest, Barcelona, Gainesville (FL), Innsbruck/Hall (Austria), presently serving as associate professor at the Florida International University in Miami. He is author of over 200 publications, co-editor of 25 books, inventor of over 100 patents, founder and Editorial Board member at the J. Flow Chemistry. Co-founder of the International QSAR Society, Society for Biomolecular Screening (SBS, today SLAS), Society for Flow Chemistry, where he is the Chairman.

Dr. Genoveva Filipcsei


Dr. Filipcsei is a life science and biotech professional with 15+ years diverse experience in emerging and medium-sized life science, biotech, pharma and agro. Her key areas of expertise include advanced technology platform innovation, asset in-licensing, research and development, intellectual property management in pharma and agrochemical sectors. She holds MSC and PhD in Chemistry. She is author of over 50 publications, 5 book chapters, inventor of over 20 patents. She owns Polányi Price of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2009), Bolyai Plaquette of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2007) and Young Inventor of 2005, Hungary.

Szilvia Gilmore


Ms. Gilmore has received her degree in economics and joined the Darholding company network in 2007, where she has held various positions over the years. In 2011, she obtained a degree in Intellectual Property and advanced to the role of Chief Intellectual Property Officer. Recently, she assumed the position of Chief Operating Officer at InnoStudio, where she oversees all operational aspects of the company, including corporate and business development activities, strategic planning, and is involved in forming strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and alliances, as well as platform technology and intellectual property licensing opportunities.
Since 2015, she has also served as Chief Business Officer at AgroThetis, Inc., and for over a decade, she has been the Assistant Director of the Flow Chemistry Society in Switzerland.

Henrietta Kocsor Hámoriné


Ms Kocsor has earned her degree from the Budapest University of Economics and Public Organization in 2001. She became a chartered accountant in 2004 and a tax advisor in 2008. Since 2006, she has held various financial management roles, gaining over 20 years of experience in corporate management, administration, company mergers, and sales. She has been involved in numerous financial projects, including establishing corporate headquarters, structuring both long- and short-term bank financing, such as leases and investment loans. Her experience extends to governance roles, having served as a member of the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee of a joint-stock company. In 2024, she further enhanced her qualifications by obtaining a degree as an IFRS Chartered Accountant.